Terrorist in Three Steps!

Gad Amr and cameraman Simon Fuller

We haven’t done many pieces on Islamophobia in Australia but it is very prevalent there as was manifest by the race riots that took place a few years ago. The video below dissects one example of provocation by the media against Muslims to reinforce the caricature of an angry young Muslim.

This piece was taken from a Dutch website. We took the google translation and made it a little more understandable.

A Terrorist in Three Steps

Are you a cameraman trying to capture an image of an angry Muslim to deliver the news that night, then this the formula for success: 1) Put your camera as annoyingly as possible in the face of a Muslim and say that you are “only” doing your work. 2) Repeat step 1 several times. 3) Call him a “f *** ing terrorist”. It’s also nice that you do not have to take security measures, because no one will attack you and you come out rather well. Note here that no other camera crew present to captured all this. That’s it. Seriously … as easy as that. Look:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdfIW34HKLs&feature=player_embedded 350 300]

Makes you wonder what you’re actually watching.


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